I'm in Sunnyvale, California for this week for some training and internal meetings so I thought some quick takes might be in order...
1) Mother's Day was pretty nice for Angie. After church we went to FishMongers in Plano. Had oysters and tilapia...yummy. Angie had her shrimp. She wanted to do some bowling with the kids - so we went to Richardson AMF lanes for some late night fun. I opened with STRIKE, STRIKE, SPARE, STRIKE, STRIKE and then fell apart.
2) Angie's car died while leaving the bowling alley. Angie's mom was with us with her car, so we weren't completely stranded. I replaced her battery the next day. All seems ok.
3) Angie wanted an updated poster size portrait of the kids. Getting them together to do it was my present to her. This photo was uploaded to winkflash.com and will be printed and sent to us.
4) We are confirmed for 3 camping weekends over the summer and are planning several days camping in San Antonio with good friends.
5) Diet, smoking and working out are all going very well. On target and haven't had another cigarette. I feel great about that.
6) As mentioned, I am in CA this week at our corporate headquarters. I am doing a bit of team building and going through some new hire training. I am convinced more now that ever that a move to NetApp was the right decision. The executive management team basically gives up a day every month to spend time with the new hires and talk about the company. Really awesome leadership. I even learned what our logo is supposed to be...any guesses?
Thanks for a nice mother's day. I love my picture! Miss you very much - I'm very proud of your commitments and how well they are going!! I can't call you stinky anymore, can I?
See you Friday - Ang
You could call me that - it would just mean something different.
TOAST is a long story. It stands for Training On All Special Things and refers to our first appliance, 15 years ago, which was called a toaster because, like a toaster, was designed to do ONE thing and do it well.
Sorry - I was referring to the name of the training I attended this week. No, the logo is not toast.
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