Day two started much like day one. The only two differences were that we were going to go a little south from where we were the day previous and my hosts (the Hunter brothers) had purchased two additional Baby Duck Mojo's (motorized duck decoys that look like they are landing, and are supposed to get the attention of ducks flying over).
Ducks starting flying fast and furious. I was missing a lot, but my hosts weren't. We had a couple in the boat pretty quickly.
Evenutally, one came in right towards the mojo's. Robert told me to "take it!" I stood up and fired. The duck folded and fell to the water. It was a pintail hen. A very pretty duck.
During the day we had an amazing range of ducks. A couple of redheads, two shovelers, my pintail, two widgeons, and four green wing teal. In all, we shot 15 ducks and harvested 11. I never could retrieve a widgeon that I shot. It swam away and we went to find it in the boat. In fact, I shot it again, but it submerged and we never saw it again. Funny enough, the widgeon pair came in when we were goofing off. Robert was playing "Name That Tune" on his duck call, and I was trying to make mine quack. I guess I did, because they flew right over the blind.
The day was even better than our amazing day one, and with 11 ducks in the boat, you can imagine how good it was. I am a big believer in those mojo decoys.
In all, an amazing two days. I killed two duck on day one and three on day two. Considering the other two times I duck hunted I never even saw a duck, I am very pleased.
I will post more pictures when I get home.
Thank you, Jeremy and Robert. What an amazing hunt.
I think the ones with the teal on their heads are purtyyyyyyyyy!! Congrats BRO!!
I used your blog's I-phone tracking device to locate your secret duck hunting spot.
Congrats Scott (my mental morhping dyslexia seems to have dissipated)!
They were pretty ducks, until they were dead! LOL! Got a trophy to stuff? Got any good duck recipes?
We've got quite a few around here but the other day I walked outside and heard the most bizarre noise (Bella, my dobie was running around in circles, she was confuesed too!) It sounded like wind through a metal flapper thingy. As it (they) grew closer I realized it was a SHITLOAD of geese, flying low and headed south! I have never heard them make such a racket!
Got a decent hatch of pheasant I'm a thinkin'! Because the hari-kari, stupid ass birds keep trying to attack my windshield when I go 50 mph down the dirt road! They see me, go right, go left...and then wait until I'm right on them and up they go, directly in the line of fire! Bet they wish they could fly.
Haven't got one yet but it never fails, every three years I get a new windshield!
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