Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sleep, work and shopping

There isn't too much to do in Manila. In fact, since we have so much work to do and not much time left to do it, I find myself either working or sleeping. The only other thing to do is to shop. Last time here, we went to several shopping areas where there are 3 main products to buy; illegal copies of DVDs, counterfeit watches and pearls. The tight schedule I have this trip won't allow too much time for shopping.

I received the pictures from India today, so I thought I'd post some. The first picture is from the Parrot reading. The picture shows the parrot picking my card that forms my fortune. I'll tell you, those birds were well trained.

The second photo is of me and my guests walking to on of the many temples in Mahabalipuram. You can see that the temple is carved directly into the rock face. It is amazing to see the detail involved, particularly since the temples were formed in 650AD.

The last is another of one of the many temples in the area. Look at the incredible detail that is carved into the rock. I'm amazed by the work, and wonder what they would do if there was a mistake. It isn't like you can just start over. Each of the temples took about 30 years, or so, to complete.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

And, I had probably lost 5 pounds or so by then...thanks for the encouragement, Paul.