Monday, February 09, 2009

Let's Get Physical

I just got back from my semi-regular annual physical exam. I typically get to them every other year or so. I figured with 40 approaching, I'd get checked out. I did it a couple of months BEFORE my 40th so I could argue against the 40-year old baseline, PROSTATE check.

My argument worked. I've postponed that unpleasantness for another year, or two.

However, after a substantial wait to see the doctor, we talked about my weight. Every issue that has him concerned stems from my weight. It was interesting to see the timeline. Over the course of the last several years, I've had two significant periods of weight gain. The first in 2005 that didn't coincide with any particular event, but did relate to some physical complaints.

The second was May of 2007 when I quit smoking. Since then, I've packed on nearly 40 pounds to my already too large frame.

I've posted and shared about my weight on the blog many times. Clearly, public ridicule has not helped motivate me. Nor has back trouble and other physical issues. Perhaps financial impact will make the difference.

As part of the Financial Learning Experience, we learned that we don't have nearly enough life insurance. Since I pride myself on my ability to provide for my family, it only makes sense that we take the appropriate steps to ensure that they are taken care of in the event of my death. However, as we start in inquire about quotes, it is clear that my weight is driving up premiums. Perhaps if I can lose a bunch, I will also lose some of the premium amount.

It sure wouldn't hurt my blood pressure or cholesterol, either.


1 comment:

ChefMichele said...

I wish you the best....remember the main reason I wanted us to do the Littlest Lessard was for our health..Since being out of work after last summer, I too have put some of the weight I lost last year back on. I didnt feel as energetic as I had, and other minor health issues were popping up. So this year I have actually JOINED Weight Watchers, thus making myself accountable for my eating. Plus since I have joined with an automatic monthly membership, I am more likely to actually go to the meeting since it has been paid for in advance. I am finding it very difficult at work to actually account for what I eat, and after working a 10 hour day dont feel much like working out when I get home. But I force myself to do it, and I feel better afterwards. So I wish you good eating and some attempt at exercise. You can do it!! I have much faith in you. Wanna start another contest?? HEHEHE!!