Friday, March 07, 2008

Perfect Timing

I've often blogged about how much I enjoy the business travel I do, and how blessed I am to have done so much of it to so many wonderful places. The fact of the matter is that business travel is FUN. I often get hosted well. I often eat at nice restaurants and have stayed at wonderful hotels in exotic cities. I am lucky enough to either travel in first class or get a nice exit row seat. All of the air miles, hotel points, rental car points, and parking points I earn I am allowed to keep and use for personal travel. I've been to so many places that I wouldn't have otherwise been able to get to on my own.

That's a summary of the good. As I type this, however, I am stuck in Orlando International Airport and have been here for several hours and will likely be here for several more, if not all night. In and of itself, that isn't the really bad thing. What makes it worse, is that I am scheduled to fly out to Amsterdam tomorrow morning. If I don't get home in time, not only will I miss that flight, but I won't have any time to spend with Angie and the kids before I go.

That is what is so crappy about delays and cancellations. I was running around crazy today and ultimately left the office later than I planned. As I got close to the airport, construction kept me from exiting, so I had to go about 20 minutes out of my way to get to the rental car return. Thank God for TeleNav, or I would have been so lost. I was running late, so I didn't fill the gas up. That cost me $53, as they charge $7 a gallon to do it for you. As I pull into Hertz, my phone rings, flight delayed. I had time after all. Perfect timing. As I was waiting to check into the airport, my phone rang again, my flight was cancelled (happened when I was NEXT on line to the ticketing counter - perfect timing).

I got put on another flight (the last one going to Dallas) in the LAST available seat - perfect timing. Since then, the flight has been delayed three times. What was supposed to be a 3:35 departure is now 7:50. If it goes off tonight, it will be perfect timing.

I'll take any time with my family. Perfect.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are frightfully busy, and I sympathize. On another topic, I thought a short walk down memory lane might help you:
Littlest Lessard-Week one- "See who loses what- pounds or face???"
Week three- The Infamous Buyout Offer.
Week four- "I'm gonna double digit you for two weeks straight."
Week five- (about Marc) "You got nothing left in your tank, and we both know you are done," and "Next week's weigh in will be the final nail, and you'll be demoralized."
Week 7- no comment at all from Scott.
Week 8- no comment again, and a late post to boot.
Week 9- no comment or post to date.

So, would you like to consider my buyout offer again?
Your brother, and first Littlest Lessard Champion-to-be, Marc

Unknown said...

You are still ugly!

ChefMichele said...

Welcome back Scott !!!! Short and sweet is always better than nothing. How good can Dutch food be? I think you are back in the saddle again. Remember, even though you are a New Yawka at heart, you are NOW from TEXAS......Ride em Cowboy! And on another note, you all know what happened to the little boy who counted his eggs before they hatched?
Love ya both

Anonymous said...


Praying for you as you safe. Looking forward to seeing you when you return.
