Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2007 - Year In Review

Last year I blogged about some goals that I'd like to accomplish in 2007. To review, click here.

My results are a mixed bag. Some successes, but many failures. All told, I didn't achieve much of what I wanted to.

Last Year's Resolutions:
a,b) Obedience to and Time with God...I didn't do this in any significant way this year. I would have pockets of success, but no long term. This year, I will keep this as a goal. Starting on Jan 1, I will follow a reading plan to get through the bible in one year. I've done it before and got to Job (May, if memory serves), before stopping.

c) Critical nature...I would expect that my nature is as critical as ever. Probably because I've failed in a and b above.

d) Financial stewardship...this is one area of success. Angie and I have stayed on our budget pretty well. We've not missed on tithe to the church, and have increased our giving for the Imagine campaign. Additionally, we are sponsoring 4 children from Katito, Kenya. Our giving has increased every year for the last several, and we have sacrificed to do it. Although this will continue to be a huge focus for us, I'm going to drop it off the list.

e) Health...good and bad. I've quit smoking and as of Jan 4, will not have had a cigarette for eight months. My previous long was nine months, but the difference this time is that I know I don't have it beat. I cannot have even one, ever. I've also gained a ton of more weight. Tomorrow, when I weigh in for our "Littlest Lessard" competition, I won't be surprised to see 325, or so. Angie and I are really motivated to get into shape together, and the friendly competition with my sister and brother should help. It's not about weight loss, it is about being healthy.

Some NEW resolutions:
f) Angie...Angie and I need to focus on each other much more. I resolve to free up more time for her and for us. To be more patient with her. And to always try and be kind with my words and actions.

g) Consistency with the kids...Angie and I have realized that we need to be more consistent with how we act towards the kids (including setting expectations and what happens when those expectations aren't met).


50 flights on American Airlines covering 53,510 miles. All domestic.

46 nights in ICH group hotels (Crowne Plaza, Staybridge Suites, Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express). 4 of those nights for pleasure.

21 Credit Hours completed (2 A+, 3 A, 1 A- and a B)

1 Rio Grande Turkey, 1 Mourning Dove and one Channel Catfish harvested. I also caught a small striped bass, but he was released.

2 new guns this year. A .357 revolver and a .270 Rifle.

3 days spent alone with Angie (getaway on Long Island in August). We'll need to improve this number.


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